Saturday, 22 July 2023

Writing List for Self-Motivation

Every so often, I promise/threaten/vaguely imply that I'll write something and then it sort of drifts away into The Heap. This list is an attempt to get in control of that by maintaining a) any list at all, and b) something vaguely public that people can thwack me with.

If I said I'd write something and have failed to follow through, do comment below.

Actual commitments

Things I have actually said I would write and need to get round to. But not contractually agreed because I am at least together enough not to let actual work slide.

  1. A scenario for Dreamland, for @Mockman
  2. [redacted] for GURPS.

Fairly specific intentions

Things I have talked about writing but haven't actually said I would.

  1. The third Mick Narsh scenario
  2. An actual scenario for Brit School Hijinks, my 1980s-90s high school game
  3. Some part of a Dunkirk scenario with RogerBW
  4. A Ghatanathoah campaign for YronimosWhateley on YSDC

Vague intentions

Things I either want to write but have no concrete idea for, OR have a concrete idea but have not said I'd write.

  1. Industrial-themed scenarios for CoC.
  2. Something for Kale. "An adventure set in Flooded Lygon St". Requires learning Genesys and the Android setting, which is a minor obstacle.


This one is for things I'm actually working on and their stage of development.

  1. [redacted] for GURPS. Expressed interest, waiting for a response.
  2. Gaslight Lincolnshire II. Needs playtesting and then editorial stuff, layout etc.
  3. Gaslight Lincolnshire III. Partly written.
  4. [redacted] for Emrys on YSDC - about halfway through a first draft but it's huge.
  5. [redacted] for Emrys on YSDC - got a long way through and stalled, must return to this.
  6. Tetra Group 2. In revisions after playtest.
  7. Tetra Group 3. Virtually finished playtest edition.
  8. Inglenook's Bloodlines of Dubious Authenticity. Needs going over and artistic touches. Published!
  9. Pathfinder Phantoms & Spiritualists supplement - rather lost motivation on these when PF2 came out honestly, even though I do not play PF2.

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