Saturday, 22 July 2023

Necropolitans, episode 37: Doing full frilled lizard

"It's always great when things melt out of the floor." We learn why you shouldn't put the magical equivalent of a nuclear generator in front of the PCs in Episode 037: Doing full frilled lizard.

The Jet Jackal Quietener is a completely made-up creature of mine. It's a stony dog-like creature whose voice can nullify magic, decreasing the effective caster level of anything nearby. They're attracted to powerful and unstable magic, and like to lurk nearby to stabilize such phenomena.

Around this point, Becca was losing interest in playing a manananggal and asked about a change to a petrified maiden. Rather than introduce a new character (it's really quite hard when the campaign premise is "you were turned into undead and then mysteriously freed by an enigmatic servant of Anubis to fulfil an unspecified quest") I had Iris bitten by a petrifying creature.

Direct Links

  1. RSS feed for all episodes
  2. Episode 001: Character Generation
  3. Master list of episodes
  4. Episode 007: Screaming blue murder from his waist (start of Castaways)
  5. Episode 023: Everyone knows that mummy octopi are not scared of cooking (start of Nautical Shenanigans)
  6. Episode 027: The crumpling noise you can hear was Book 2 (start of Nameless Ancients)

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