"It's always great when things melt out of the floor." We learn why you shouldn't put the magical equivalent of a nuclear generator in front of the PCs in Episode 037: Doing full frilled lizard.
Saturday, 22 July 2023
Writing List for Self-Motivation
Every so often, I promise/threaten/vaguely imply that I'll write something and then it sort of drifts away into The Heap. This list is an attempt to get in control of that by maintaining a) any list at all, and b) something vaguely public that people can thwack me with.
If I said I'd write something and have failed to follow through, do comment below.
Monday, 17 July 2023
Necropolitans, episode 36: I look at her intently, staring without eyes
Geometry is bad for wizards, "I've seen worse" is "technically a compliment", and we learn that Becca's Wis-based characters have a Wis of 12, in Episode 036: I look at her intently, staring without eyes.
Saturday, 15 July 2023
Wall Smashing Heroes
A staple of certain cinematic action films, particularly the superheroic type, is the environmental demolition attack. Rather than simply smacking someone round the face, you hurl them bodily into some major piece of infrastructure. What makes this distinct from grittier action is that our super-tough characters don't just crash painfully into the wall - they smash through it. In extreme examples of this trope, caped weirdos fling one another through half a dozen office blocks, leaving the victim briefly discombobulated and the buildings in a state of collapse.
In this clip, for example, Hellboy is smashed into the ground (and later through an assortment of historic artefacts and their displays, a window, and a dumpster) by Samael. Hellboy, being supernaturally durable, is lightly inconvenienced by the experience. The smashees, however, are absolutely wrecked.
I don't claim to be an expert in physics, but I don't think that's how it works. But if it did, how would we do it in a game?