Thursday, 25 March 2021

Necropolitans, episode 001: a grave beginning!

I am both proud and terrified to present the audio for the first ever campaign I have run, and the third I have been involved in at all, beginning with I think the fourth session of Pathfinder I have ever run. Every person playing in the campaign is vastly more experienced than me in the system. We started on a tabletop recorder, switched to Ventrilo which inexplicably hated Ollie and refused to record him, and only then moved on to Discord as used in our Hell's Rebels campaign.

Be kind, is what I'm asking.

(No, that isn't supposed to be a Scottish accent. It is, specifically, a Dwarvish accent.)

For this section of the campaign, I planned to use the Luck rules from the 3.5 Firetop Mountain conversion. I had the players generate Luck pools, but then largely failed to use them at all. Also, they basically walked right over everything in their path, despite having all dumped CON to the absolute minimum, leaving them liable to death at the hands of a papercut.

You'll hear Will refer to Geigor's special abilities at various points. We put together a homebrew barbarian archetype to replicate a Khorne Berserker - something that may sound oddly familiar.

As there is a lot of backlog to work through, I'm going to post the early episodes a few at a time until I catch up with my own editing (and hopefully encourage people to stick with the rough early episodes before I was confident in what I was doing).

Direct Links

  1. RSS feed for all episodes
  2. Episode 001: Character Generation
  3. Master list of episodes

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