Harken once more, merry companions, to ineffective adventuring piped directly to your shell-like ears.

A completely peaceful protest is underway, at least until we get our hands on it. In our defence, we had it on good (and accurate) information that the authorities planned to violently suppress it. Might as well get our counter-suppression in first, eh? Lessons were learned about the importance of base movement speeds, the aerodynamicity or otherwise of barrels that are on fire, and stocking up a hideout before doing the things that will make a hideout necessary.
Part three of the campaign is now up on Archive.org at Episode 003: The Mediaeval Equivalent of a Zimmer Frame.
Since getting a new laptop, I've been having major issues with uploading. My internet tends to stick every so often, and either actually disconnect or think it's disconnected. If I'm not keeping a gimlet eye on the business to hastily disconnect and reconnect before anything times out, I end up having to try the whole upload again, which is obviously a huge pain. If anyone has suggestions for what might be up I'd be glad to hear it! My ISP hasn't changed so I don't think it can be that...
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