Harken once more, merry companions, to ineffective adventuring piped directly to your shell-like ears.

We resume our adventures in the oppressed city of Kintargo, where our disgruntled heroes(?) are accidentally sliding into rebeldom. I'm confident that a pacifist healer, a weaponsmith, a satirical novelist and a really good chef are the perfect figures to lead an uprising against the oppressive devil-wielding regime. Ahem.
Part two of the campaign is now up on Archive.org at Episode 002: Technically She's Goop.
Since getting a new laptop, I've been having major issues with uploading. My internet tends to stick every so often, and either actually disconnect or think it's disconnected. If I'm not keeping a gimlet eye on the business to hastily disconnect and reconnect before anything times out, I end up having to try the whole upload again, which is obviously a huge pain. If anyone has suggestions for what might be up I'd be glad to hear it! My ISP hasn't changed so I don't think it can be that...
I'm told there's a weird synching issue with our voices in this episode. I'll get it fixed ASAP; sorry for that.