Harken, adventure fans, to our exploits!

After a very considerable interlude, I'm very pleased to announce I'll finally be releasing some audio again. For the past few months, one of my groups has been playing Pathfinder. Specifically, the Hell's Rebels adventure path, featuring free-spirited heroes rising up against a draconian regime that continually attempts to rewrite history in its favour.
I'm pretty sure the GM didn't intend anything political by it, but it's hard to overlook the parallels now that I think about it...
Anyway, the first of our efforts is now up on Archive.org at Episode 001: Number My Thugs. I'm aiming to keep the files manageable, for two reasons. One, I personally find audio of longer than a couple of hours is a pain; my phone forgets where I was in the recording if I can't listen to it all at once, for example. The other is that actually processing the larger files - downloading, moving, editing, audio processing - takes far longer in a non-linear fashion. It also means more issues trying to upload them, which is tricky enough at the best of times as my home internet appears to have a virulent hatred of people uploading anything at all... sigh. So, you're looking at about 90 minutes to two hours on average.
The adventure begins in splendid style, with our soon-to-be heroes accidentally meeting in a tavern and becoming radicalised. Thrill to the clumsy attempts at subterfuge! Bemoan the accents of questionable geographical origin! Wonder at the half of the party which is physically incapable of hurting anyone in this swords and sorcery setting!
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