Friday, 7 February 2025

Necropolitans, episode 50: We are not getting Iris into a onesie

"Me? I'm a Hellknight. A knight of Hell. Hellknight equals me, geddit?", imply the party, in Episode 050: We are not getting Iris into a onesie.

I promise this entire thing was coincidental, which made it all the more delightful to me. I did however give misleading information about Totally Innocent, since I hadn't allocated her stats at that point. The ambling around in town making up content for PCs is honestly a lot more my speed than combat, as will become increasingly obvious as the campaign goes on.

"You tried to summon a volcano! ...which I don't know about."

Everybody loves to hate Hellknights, they're completely designed for it, so they're a great adversary to throw in. If there's some kind of Hellknights-versus-X conflict going on, PCs can dive in with fair confidence that X is the side they want to pick. Well... mostly. Given the name of this blog, you can probably guess that I'm going to be with the people who aren't banning books.

"When in doubt, blame the GM. That's the best way to stay alive."

"The people in this house, however, passed their Perception check, and are Not Home."

This session involves a lot of the players dispensing useful lore I didn't know, which I will exploit in future. An ideal arrangement.

Direct Links

  1. RSS feed for all episodes
  2. Episode 001: Character Generation
  3. Master list of episodes
  4. Episode 007: Screaming blue murder from his waist (start of Castaways)
  5. Episode 023: Everyone knows that mummy octopi are not scared of cooking (start of Nautical Shenanigans)
  6. Episode 027: The crumpling noise you can hear was Book 2 (start of Nameless Ancients)
  7. Episode 049: Mint Ice Cream (start of Trouble in Cheliax)

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