Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Podcast: Hell's Rebels, part 12

For loyal podcast listeners, hoorah! Another episode!

For loyal readers, sorry, I haven't had much time or inspiration for posts recently. I do have some ideas on the back burner, but work and general Life Stuff isn't exactly leisurely these last few months.

Pathfinder Adventure Path: Hell's Rebels Part 1 - In Hell's Bright ...

In which we feign artistic differences and our distraction is counter-distracted. If this rebellion business doesn't work out, though, I have a fallback plan now.

Part twelve of the campaign is now up on Archive.org at Episode 012: I think we found our bass player.

Direct Links

  1. RSS feed for all episodes
  2. Episode 001: Number My Thugs
  3. Episode 002: Technically She's Goop
  4. Episode 003: The Mediaeval Equivalent of a Zimmer Frame
  5. Episode 004: Personal Snot Monster
  6. Episode 005: By our powers combined
  7. Episode 006: There is honour amongst, ah... normal civilians
  8. Episode 007: You have it on good medical advice not to lick the ground
  9. Episode 008: Mmm, blobs of quivering flesh - my favourite
  10. Episode 009: A lot of papier-mâché
  11. Episode 010: Kamikaze ferrets and commando weasels
  12. Episode 011: It's such a horrible coincidence
  13. Episode 012: I think we found our bass player

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Podcast: Hell's Rebels, part 11

After feedback from a kind listener (thanks Roger, we love you) I've gone back and redone the audio for episodes 5-10 to get a better balance of volume for people's voices. Hopefully they'll all be clearer in future. Feedback is great, please leave comments!

Pathfinder Adventure Path: Hell's Rebels Part 1 - In Hell's Bright ...

In which our GM appears to be underwater and/or possessed but it's just the audio, he assures us. We embark on a chase, resulting in an increasingly elaborate series of lies and impersonations in an attempt to extricate ourselves from the previous lies and impersonations. The words "I'm going to have to ask you to make another Bluff check feature prominently.

Part eleven of the campaign is now up on Archive.org at Episode 011: It's such a horrible coincidence.

Direct Links

  1. RSS feed for all episodes
  2. Episode 001: Number My Thugs
  3. Episode 002: Technically She's Goop
  4. Episode 003: The Mediaeval Equivalent of a Zimmer Frame
  5. Episode 004: Personal Snot Monster
  6. Episode 005: By our powers combined
  7. Episode 006: There is honour amongst, ah... normal civilians
  8. Episode 007: You have it on good medical advice not to lick the ground
  9. Episode 008: Mmm, blobs of quivering flesh - my favourite
  10. Episode 009: A lot of papier-mâché
  11. Episode 010: Kamikaze ferrets and commando weasels
  12. Episode 011: It's such a horrible coincidence