Thursday 30 July 2020

Now on DriveThruRPG and the Open Gaming Store

It's been a while, sorry folks. Work and personal life in the Time of COVID have been fairly brutal (I've been signed off work) so writing for the blog hasn't been a top priority.

One thing I have finally achieved is getting my Pathfinder supplements onto RPG stores! My first two are now available from DriveThruRPG and from the Open Gaming Store. So if you fancy taking a look, please drift over there.

I should mention that the Open Gaming Store charges a much smaller commission, so all things being equal I'd prefer you to buy from there... regardless, they're all DRM-free (or supposed to be).

Inglenook's Bloodlines is being reviewed as I have added more material to it. I've also been putting together an antipaladins supplement which I hope you might enjoy.

Hopefully I will be able to do some more writing soon. I just haven't been in the right headspace for pondering general questions of gaming, rather than putting together rules ideas.


  1. "dramatically-appropriate supernatural weather" That sounds like a great supplemenet to high-level Monk's superhero landing appearance ;)

    Long time no see! Not sure if you remember our 40k discussions of old ;) You weren't uploading too much, I stopped following for a while, and what a nice surprise. I'm currently running 1E Pathfinder campaign, myself.

    Fingers crossed your supplement gets some recognition, I'm worrying aboout folks moving en mass to 2E. And I hope everything in your life is as good as it could be in these changing times.

    1. Nice to hear from you again! Yes, I remember you perfectly. I've been really busy with just about everything, but trying to ease back into blogging now.

      I hope things are going well for you too. What's your campaign like?

    2. Huge.

      I extensively used old, 2nd edition material as fluff for sesison while usng (in my opinion, at least) superior Pathfinder 1st Edition rules.

      One of my sessions was nearly entirely on Planes from Planescape setting, and the other went to Spelljammer side on Spheres. After these two campaigns, which by themselves where not small by any means, I made a third one, where my players can see all NPCs from both previous ones, consequences of choices and actions they made, and are now trying to figure out the way to fix some of these things.

      All in all, a very nice campaign. Large scope of it makes it overwhelming sometimes, both for me and my players, but we all enjoy it a lot.

    3. I just realised this comment was trapped in moderation, sorry Alan!

      I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. Like you said, it sounds a bit overwhelming to manage something of that scope! I'm running a PF1 campaign that's got a lot of moving parts, and I need spreadsheets to keep track of the timeline and NPCs.
