Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Beneath Dark Skies accumulator post

Roger kindly enquired about the "bizarre sci-fi hack of World of Darkness" I mentioned, so seeing as it's a loose collections of posts knocking around, this seemed the easiest thing to do.

The initial overall premise.

A summary of Visitant, the first concept for Beneath Dark Skies.

Mechanics for Cover identities, and how they're compromised or reinforced. Xenotypes, the alien splats of Beneath Dark Skies.

Mutable Ansad, the first Xenotype. Peerless infiltrators. Yes, their plural is Welsh, deal with it. Their gifts are mastery of form and disguise.

The ultimate survivors, Mosa, with conscious control of their own biochemistry. Their gifts are regulation of their own bodies, and secretion of chemicals that affect others.

Swarming Shekt, nigh-immortal hive minds with a talent for negotiation. Their gifts rely on the capabilities of swarms, and the application of controlled sound.

Symbiotic Ytaleh, riding in stolen human corpses to sustain their ephemeral selves. Their gifts are mental influence and bioelectrical control.

How visitants might interact with other inhuman creatures.

Technological gifts for any species - also useable beyond Visitant for other high-tech entities.

Mistaken Identity, the first Terrible Game Fic. Whoops. An easy mistake to make. But only once.

Inside Job, additional Terrible Game Fic. No loyalty to corporate masters!

Hostile Takeover, some crossover Terrible Game Fic.