Thursday, 18 February 2021

Friday, 12 February 2021

Podcast: Hell's Rebels, part 17

There is no beginning; no end; only podcast.

Pathfinder Adventure Path: Hell's Rebels Part 1 - In Hell's Bright ...

We continue our suboptimal attempts to evict - with extreme prejudice - interlopers* in our beloved home** bent on depriving us of (in no particular order) life, liberty and our worldly wealth***. Tragedy strikes in our midst. The DM accidentally foreshadows next session's calamities.

*yes, yes, technically "duly appointed representatives of the law"

**illicit secret insurgent headquarters

***numerous crates of abandoned contraband and about eighty percent of a smoked alligator

Part seventeen of the campaign is now up on at Episode 017: NOW she's a ghost.

Direct Links

  1. RSS feed for all episodes
  2. Episode 001: Number My Thugs
  3. Episode 002: Technically She's Goop
  4. Episode 003: The Mediaeval Equivalent of a Zimmer Frame
  5. Episode 004: Personal Snot Monster
  6. Episode 005: By our powers combined
  7. Episode 006: There is honour amongst, ah... normal civilians
  8. Episode 007: You have it on good medical advice not to lick the ground
  9. Episode 008: Mmm, blobs of quivering flesh - my favourite
  10. Episode 009: A lot of papier-mâché
  11. Episode 010: Kamikaze ferrets and commando weasels
  12. Episode 011: It's such a horrible coincidence
  13. Episode 012: I think we found our bass player
  14. Episode 013: Ego Shattered!
  15. Episode 014: Whipping up an alligator stew
  16. Episode 015: Sewer brings back bad memories
  17. Episode 016: Chaos is one way of describing it
  18. Episode 017: NOW she's a ghost

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Hell's Rebels delay

Hello folks, just a quick one to say that there is still plenty of campaign to go, I've just been ill and haven't had time to edit podcasts recently. I'll get something out when I can.